"As bitter winter winds begin to sweep across the lands of Neuterran, three of the Ruling Lords of the Four Kingdoms receive letters with word of the King’s Death. The letter sent to the fourth Lord—the King’s son, Prince Leeroy—tells only of his father’s ailing health, nothing more. With that omission, decades of peace between the Four Kingdoms start to unravel and unlikely paths begin to converge.A girl of sixteen tends to her jealous heart in a black castle perched above the sea. A woman plagued by a grief she will not name finds relief, if not true solace, in the arms of an executioner. A Lord’s daughter agrees to marry a Prince not for love, nor gold, but to distance herself from an overly familiar knight. And deep within the lush green Swamplands of the South, a soon-to-be Queen loses sleep at the thought of her husband ruling above all. Following the King’s death, the fate of Neuterran comes to rest on the unknowing Prince Leeroy’s shoulders. And with the crown without a King, the once-peaceful Neuterran is at risk of slipping back into wars of the past."
This was an interesting read! Clearly the first of a series, we are introduced to a world of royals. Princesses and princes, lords and ladies from across the lands all with their own problems. But not all as it seems, because all of their problems seem to come from the same place… the Capital. All of our main characters are unique in their own way and it was nice to see the plot unfold from different people across the entire kingdom. There was a lot of world-building in the first handful of chapters and it was hard to get through, but once the groundwork is down, it was a breeze.
I’m very interested in seeing where this story goes and what is to happen next to our characters! Til then, tune in to my next review! Leave you own thoughts and feels in the comments below!
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