"Eighteen-year-old Arcadia wants adventure. Living in a tiny Florida town with her dad and four-year-old brother, Cadie spends most of her time working, going to school, and taking care of her family. So when she meets two handsome cousins at a campfire party, she finally has a chance for fun. They invite her and friend to join them on a road trip, and it's just the risk she's been craving-the opportunity to escape. But what starts out as a fun, sexy journey quickly becomes dangerous when she discovers that one of them is not at all who he claims to be. One of them has deadly intentions."
This was cute. I mean that both as a compliment and an insult. As a compliment, I mean that Cadie, a big fish in a small pond, wants out of Florida. She yearns for adventure and when it comes knocking on her door, she jumps at the chance. I was caught up in the fun, the romance, and the brief utopia of escaping her dull life for a few days. I was just as swept up in it as our main character and I didn't blame her for wanting to do it. As an insult, I knew since the moment Cadie leaves her small Florida town who the killer was. I knew it. The author really did try to misdirect us readers and it was cute. So overall, the best descriptor that I can think to equate this story is... cute.
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