"For years, Eon's life has been focused on magical study and sword-work, with one goal: that he be chosen as a Dragoneye, an apprentice to one of the twelve energy dragons of good fortune.
But Eon has a dangerous secret. He is actually Eona, a sixteen-year-old girl who has been masquerading as a twelve-year-old boy. Females are forbidden to use Dragon Magic; the penalty is death.
When Eona's secret threatens to light, she and her allies are plunged into grave danger and a struggle and inner power to battle those who want to take her magic... and her life."
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was action packed and held a lot of deception and mystery and I loved Eona/Eon's journey of self discovery. It took me to new places and the story took a lot of unexpected directions I really appreciated. I definitely think everyone should take a peek at this book, and I cannot wait to read the sequel!
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